BLL Trasporti

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“Trust is the fuel of logistics”: a word from Roberto Bellesia, CEO of BLL Trasporti.


I see myself as a child, lying face down on the carpet in my parents’ living room, surrounded by my favorite toys. The electric miniature train I received for Christmas, complete with a station and a level crossing; the inevitable fort with cowboys barricaded against the attack of Indians; a variety of plastic toy soldiers ready to bravely throw themselves into battle, and… my favorite companions during those afternoons: the trucks.

Whether they were trucks, tractor-trailers, or articulated vehicles, or even shiny tankers, nimble vans, or elegant car transporters waiting to accommodate the other toy cars neatly on their loading platforms, the scale models of what were simply “trucks” to me back then opened up a world of adventures different from the epics I imagined taking place in the Wild West, but no less exciting. In fact, the beauty of these child-sized reproductions of “heavy vehicles” lay precisely in their faithfulness to reality. A reality that I saw around me every day, made up of journeys, transportation, and exchanges. Goods that were transferred from point A to point B not by flying, no, but by being patiently loaded, moved, and finally unloaded. All through an “expedition,” a word that on the paths traced by my imagination almost tasted like the unknown, evoking travels in the jungle or in space…

Following this passion, I started my experience in the freight transport sector in 1979, then founding BLL Trasporti in 2016: a dynamic presence in the logistics relying on a fleet of vehicles ranging from 3.5 to 26 tons, covering over 1,400 locations in Italy to meet the demands of 3,000 customers through over 50,000 shipments per year. A network of relationships fueled by trust.

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Roberto Bellesia

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