BLL Trasporti

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The world of road transport changes with EU Regulation 2020/1055


New provisions for the logistics sector

Since February 21, the EU Regulation 2020/1055 has been in effect. This Regulation governs the reform of international road transport as envisaged by the First Mobility Package, issued by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (MIMS). By amending the rules introduced by past Regulations (EC) 1071/2009 and (EC) 1072/2009, numerous changes have been introduced that concern the logistics sector, particularly in terms of access to the profession and the road transport market.

Innovations introduced by the new EU Regulation

The new rules concern various aspects of the road freight transport sector, including:

  • International transport → The Community License becomes mandatory even for companies intending to carry out international road freight transport on behalf of third parties within the territory of the European Union using vehicles with a mass between 2.5 and 3.5 tonnes. Unlike other criteria, the new rule on the Community License will be effective from May 21, 2022.
  • Road cabotage → Starting from February 21, 2022, a “cooling-off” period has been introduced, according to which a carrier who has conducted the three permitted cabotage transports is not allowed to carry out other cabotage transports for the following four days in the same country in question.
  • Market access → Also from February 21, 2022, the regulation regarding market access has been revoked, so the possession of 80 tonnes for the entry of a new road transport company into the market is no longer mandatory. Even a single vehicle available for any reason and of any Euro class is sufficient.

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Contact one of our offices in Reggio Emilia, Milan, or Bologna for more information. One of our operators will get back to you as soon as possible.

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